Our Purpose
Our church exists to help people learn about God's love for them and to discover the joy of following Jesus. As we share this good news we hope to build a better community where people are gladly encountering grace, experiencing growth, exercising gifts, and extending God’s love all to the glory of God. We believe that "we are God's handiwork created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do" (Ephesians 2:10). Here is a glimpse how our church family fulfills our God given purpose.
During our worship services people sing praises to God, hear from His Word, receive prayer, and find encouragement for their life. In addition, we show people how to live in the rhythm of God’s grace on a daily basis.
Kids get to know God and grow in faith through our dynamic Grace Harbor children’s ministry program. Middle school & high school age students develop a closer walk with God through Bible studies, fun activities, and service projects through our student ministry program. Adults build friendships, share joys and burdens, and learn to apply God’s Word to their life through growth groups.
People of all ages find out how their unique S.H.A.P.E. (spiritual gifts, heart, abilities, personality, and experiences) prepares them for ministry & mission in our community and beyond. In addition, leaders are trained in the Bible, theology, and ministry through Grace Institute classes.
We want to carry out the Great Commission (“make disciples”) and the Great Commandments (“love God” and “love our neighbor”) where we live, learn, work, and play. We also support outreach on a local, regional, and international basis.

Our Story
Grace Community began in 2006 when a diverse group of people began meeting in the Wesley Chapel area with hopes, dreams, and a united vision of "building a better community by God's grace." Our church includes children, students, singles, couples, parents, grandparents, and others who gather together for Christ-centered worship, caring relationships, and community outreach. Although we come from different walks of life, we are committed to helping people discover the joy and blessing of a relationship with God.
By emphasizing Scripture alone, grace alone, and faith alone we uphold the truth of the Bible while presenting its message in a creative, compelling, and challenging way. We are sensitive to those who have been worn out by legalistic approaches to the Christian life and to those who have grown weary of sermons that deliver the gospel as good advice rather than good news. We also want to extend a warm welcome to those who are coming to church for the first time or for the first time in a long time.
In 2014 our church acquired its current property on Boyette Road. The master plan site plan, archictural drawings, and a civil plans were clarified in 2015, and our site preparation work began in the summer of 2016. On July 1, 2017 a groundbreaking ceremony was held for the first phase of our church campus (a 7,760 SF multipurpose building). Although the project was bigger than anything we could accomplish on our own, God was faithful to meet our needs during the building process by providing funds and providing numerous volunteer groups to complete much of the work. The first service in the new facility was held on July 1, 2018, and we are grateful for the blessing of God upon an increasing number of ministries in this new home.